Active Call for Papers
2017 Meeting of the Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology
“Liturgy, the Arts, and Religious Experience”
March 23-25, 2017
Furman University
Greenville, SC
Keynote Speakers:
Wendy Farley
San Francisco Theological Seminary
Books include:
The Thirst of God: Contemplating God’s Love with Three Women Mystics
Gathering Those Driven Away: a Theology of Incarnation
Bruce Ellis Benson
Loyola Marymount University
Books include:
Liturgy as a Way of Life
Pious Nietzsche
The Improvisation of Musical Dialogue
Call for Papers
In recent years, philosophy of religion has begun to focus more intentionally on the role of embodied existence as key to religious practice and identity. Philosophers and theologians ranging from Jean-Yves Lacoste to Nicholas Wolterstorff have recognized the importance of moving beyond the “cognitivist” dimensions of religion in order to think more carefully about the ways in which what is traditionally called “religion” occurs in the context of lived faith, community involvement, worship, and affective prayer. In this way, the practice of liturgy, aesthetic presentation, and embodied experience are all in various ways interrelated and essential to the ways that we need to think about religion as an historical and social fact, but also as an existential and phenomenological possibility.
The SCPT welcomes paper submissions from any discipline that engage the conference theme while incorporating (though not necessarily exclusively drawing upon) resources from Continental philosophical and theological traditions. Papers that bring Continental thought together with literary theory, analytic philosophy, or the fine arts are also encouraged.
Although typically the SCPT requires complete papers (not to exceed 3,000 words), abstracts of at least 750 words will be considered in some cases. All papers presented at the conference will be considered for possible publication in a volume on the conference theme.
Please submit two documents (1) a title page with contact information and word count, (2) complete papers (or abstracts) as Word files, suitable for blind review, by December 1, 2016 to:
Questions: Please contact J. Aaron Simmons at