Evil, Fallenness, Finitude
May 3–4, 2015
Society for Continental Philosophy & Theology
2015 Conference Program
Fordham University
E. Gerald Corrigan Conference Center (12th floor)
Lownstein Center; Lincoln Center Campus
New York City, NY
Keynote Speakers:
Ingolf U. Dalferth (University of Zürich, Emeritus/Collegium Helveticum/Claremont Graduate University)
Emmanuel Falque (Institut catholique de Paris)
Sunday, May 3, 2015
11am-12:30pm Registration
12:30pm Welcome (Bruce Ellis Benson; Dean John Harrington)
1:00 – 3:00pm Panel Sessions #1 (12th floor) & 2 (LL 1022)
Panel 1: Jankélévitch & Forgiveness (12th floor)
Chair: Kim Baxter, CUNY/John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Stuart Jesson, York St. John University: “Jankélévitch and the secret telos of forgiveness”
Jesus Luzardo, Fordham University: “Just Remembrance: Forgiveness and Memory in Jankélévitch’s Le Pardon”
José María Sánchez de León, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “The World Seen from the Outside: Evil and the Principle of Sufficient Reason”
Panel 2: Falque & Finitude (LL 1022)
Chair: Stephanie Rumpza, Boston College
William C. Woody, Fordham University: “Embracing Finitude: Insights and Limitations of Emmanuel Falque’s Theological Phenomenology”
Bradley B. Onishi, Rhodes College: “Philosophy and Theology: Guilt, Sin, and the Passion chez Falque et Bataille”
Lisa Radakovich Holsberg, Fordham University: “Simone Weil on the Finitude of Human Thought and Action – and the Infinite Longing of the Human Soul”
3:00 – 3:30pm Coffee Break
3:30 – 5:30pm Panel Session #3 (12th floor) & 4 (LL 1022)
Panel 3: Ricoeur & Hermeneutics of Evil (12th floor)
Chair: Jacob Given, Villanova University
Marius Ban, Heythrop College: “Mythical-Narrative and the Possibility of Responding to Evil After the End of Theodicy”
Michael Deckard & Mindy Makant, Lenoir-Rhyne University: “The Fault of Forgiveness: Fragility and Memory of Evil in Volf and Ricoeur”
Tim Allen, University of St. Andrews: “Forgetting as ‘Blessing’ or ‘Cursing’?: (un)Cleansing Memorial Hermeneutics”
Panel 4: Kierkegaard & Sin (LL 1022)
Chair: Dror Pimentel, Bezalel Academy for Art & Design
Thomas Burrus, University of South Carolina Aiken: “On Hanosis: Kierkegaard and the move from Objectivity to Subjectivity in the Sin of David”
Daniel Bradley, Gonzaga University: “Ligatio ex Nihilo: Original Sin and the Hope for Redemption; An Alternate Path through the Darkness of Kierkegaard’s Phenomenology of Anxiety”
Alison Assiter, University of the West of England: “The Concept of Anxiety and Kant”
6:00 – 7:30pm Keynote #1 (12th floor)
Chair: Bruce Ellis Benson
Ingolf Dalferth, University of Zürich, Helveticum, Claremont Graduate Schools: “The Creativity of Divine Love and the Diversity of Evil”
7:30pm Reception (12th floor)
Monday, May 4, 2015
9:30-10:30am Coffee & Business Meeting (12th floor)
10:30am – 12:30pm Panel Session #5 (12th floor) & 6 (LL 1124)
Panel 5: Sin & Finitude (12th floor)
Chair: Carlton Chase, St. John’s School of Theology
Thomas James, Independent Scholar: “Connection Failures: Recasting Augustinian Phenomenologies of Sin in a Theology of Radical Immanence”
Charlotte Marcotte-Toale, New School of Social Research: “The Realization of Derrida’s Dream”
Brian Treanor, Loyola Marymount University: “The Myopia of Finitude”
Panel 6: Adam & Fallenness (LL 1124)
Chair: Gregory Floyd, Boston College
Matthew Yaw, Duquesne University: “Circulus vitiosus existentiae: Ricoeur’s Circular Hermeneutics of Evil”
Shlomo Dov Rosen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “Between the Homunculus Fallacy and Angelic Cognitive Dissonance in Explanation of Evil”
Matthew Clemente, Boston College: “The Drive of Oedipus, the Fall of Adam: Freud and Genesis”
12:30 – 2:30 pm Lunch Break
2:30 – 4:30pm Panel Sessions #7 (12th floor) & 8 (LL 1124)
Panel 7: Love, Evil & Grace (12th floor)
Chair: Sharon Putt, Messiah College
David Lars Ketch, KU Leuven: “Schelling and Scheler on Personal Evil, Gesinnung, and Love”
Robert Duffy, Fordham University: “Is Love Univocal? Risk, Trust, and the Finite Expression of Infinite Love”
Christopher DiBona, Boston College: “Phenomenology and Transcendence: Hegel on Love, Finitude and Intersubjectivity”
Panel 8: Self, Dasein & Finitude (LL 1124)
Chair: Julia Reed, Harvard University
Duane Armitage, Gonzaga University: “Kierkegaardian Deconstruction: Finitude’s Necessity for Paradox”
Dimitri Kladiskaskis, Sussex University: “Temptation, Fallenness, and the ‘They’: Jesus Christ in Kazantzakis and Heidegger”
Drew Desai, University of Ottawa: “Totality and Finitude: Rémi Brague and the Biblical Experience of Creation”
4:30 – 5:00pm Coffee Break
5:00 – 6:30pm Keynote #2 (12th floor)
Chair: Norman Wirzba
Emmanuel Falque, Institut catholique de Paris: “Evil and Finitude”
7:00pm Closing Dinner at The Greek Kitchen
Sponsored by the Philosophy and Theology Departments, the Comparative Literature and Orthodox Studies Programs, the Graduate School of Religion & Religious Education, and Fordham University Press